Proudly presents Natasha on the left, Nateline at the back, Samatha on the right.
Kinda the same picture but take a good look at Nateline... she is so fast!!
Little Nateline.. only 4 months older than our Hazel babe. Super A.C.T.I.V.E.
TADAH! Girl girl is sitting at the other corner with my dad, clapping her hands. :) I must say, GOOD PERFORMANCE TODAY!
Lovely Samatha. She has always been the quiet and obedient one.
HEEE, this one also not bad lah!
Natasha sticking her tongue out during photoshooting. Girl girl kept snatching her toys away from her... *naughty.
ENGROSSED, when my dad is talking to them. =D
And and and, who is missing??? WHO??
Very naughty, very naughty i must say. But this time round i have to agree that Samuel is not "that" naughty already.
He's watching some Disney Dog cartoon from my comp.
HAAAAA, naughty boy!
Oh yah! Have yet to show you guy's my desk!
Clean isn't it...! Haaaa ok don't look at my ugly box and slipper underneath my table for a second. Heee, my boss desk is just right behind. Super no privacy! But anyway, look at his desk! Awfully arranged!
A recent update of our girl girl...
She kept pushing my face away just to see the rubber band. HAAAA.